Lots of winners at the PCMGA 4-man Scramble Tourney

Low Gross Winners

Howie Tiger Over 200 members of the PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association competed at the annual Four Man Scramble Tournament. This pick your own team event is considered a major as it is played over several days. Originally scheduled to be played December 4, 10 and 11, this year’s event was shortened to two days due…

Something for Everyone – January 2015

Nancy Herrem Have you ever played a musical instrument? Do you still have your instrument, read music and play with a degree of ability? If so, you need to talk to Bruce Birnel, founder of the PebbleCreek Musicians. Bruce formed the group in 2004 with 10 members. Since then they have grown to a membership…

State Parties – January 2015

Nevada Attention once again all Nevadans, past, present or future. Plan now to attend this season’s Nevada Party scheduled for Saturday, March 7, 2015. The festivities will begin with a round of golf at beautiful Eagle’s Nest Golf Course for those so inclined. The afternoon will consist of fun, food and flinging (?) bocce balls…

“Auguri Di Un Felice 2015 A Turri” Wishes of a happy 2015 to you all

Enjoy the scrumptious images of all the Italian dolci at this year’s Poinsettia Ball.

Judi Rizzetto The club thanks member Dino S. Cervigni for this wish and translation. Looking back a little: T’was the twentieth night before Christmas or December 5, 2014, when all through the Tuscany Falls Ballroom PC Italian Club members and their guests were celebrating the awesome Poinsettia Ball. Comments included: Decorations: “The elegant decorations nestled…

Seminars and training classes at PC Gun Club

Gun Club members learn strategies and tactics.

Henry Tom The main objectives of the PebbleCreek Gun Club are Education and Training. In this regard, the PebbleCreek Gun Club has worked with Marauders Tactical Training (http://www.marauders.us/) during this fall and winter to customize seminars with follow up associated reality based training to implement the concepts, strategies and tactics learned in the seminars. Introduction…

King’n Trio to perform on January 31, 2015

The King’n Trio

The King’n Trio will be performing at the Renaissance Theatre in PebbleCreek on Saturday evening, January 31, 2015. The King’n Trio was formed in 2001 in Grand Junction, Colorado, and the members of the group are all Rotarians. They perform old Kingston Trio songs as well as old time rock and roll, bluegrass, western and…