PebbleCreek Live On Stage – January 2015

Meet ShowTime’s Board, left to right: David Silverstein, Kathy Mitchell, Judi Alonzo (Hall of Fame recipient), Bill Palmer, Jane Cook (Hall of Fame recipient), Frank Morgan and Jeff Buda. Missing from this picture: Hall of Fame recipient John Harguindeguy.

ShowTime annual holiday party launches new traditions On December 10, the ShowTime membership enjoyed a festive holiday dinner in the Renaissance Ballroom. The attendees gathered for a fine dinner followed by dancing to the music of Dan Reed’s Music – Keeping It Fun. In a special presentation, the Board of Directors introduced a new tradition…

PCM9GA announces  November 13 Scramble results

All Winners – PCM9GA November 13 Tournament

Erv Stein Our PCM9GA group, now about 300 members strong and a far cry from our most humble formation a decade ago, had well over 100 of our ever enthusiastic members participate in a Scramble Tournament format on a very pleasant November 13 afternoon utilizing our Tuscany Lakes and Palms Courses. Our pairing committee invariably…

Crazy Golf Outing

Gen and Les Hunter, John and Karen Reuland, Kathy and Larry Bergman, Linda and Bob Herzig, Jane and Dick Wiederhold, Sharon and Dan Graville, Marilyn and Don Hoffman, Judy and Dick Dekalb, Barb and Byron Wagner, Judy and Bob Newell and Bob Bartocci

Larry Bergman 21 PebbleCreek friends celebrated Halloween with a Costume Golf outing. Congratulations go to the team of Jane and Dick Wiederhold, Bob Bartocci, and Judy DeKalb for winning the Halloween Best Ball. A big Halloween congratulations goes to Gen Hunter for Best Costume of a scary zombie and second place went to Bob and…

Residents to discuss future of Creative Arts Festival

Kay Jarrett Creative Arts invites residents to an open discussion about the future of the Creative Arts Festival on Thursday, January 29 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the Quail Room (woodcarver’s area) of the Creative Arts Center. For more details about the background leading to this meeting, a letter recently sent to past Creative…

Kare Bears’ Korner – January 2015

Kare Bears’ annual Fall Luncheon and Awards Sue White On November 12, 2014, Kare Bears held their nineteenth annual Fall Luncheon. The theme was Autumn Blessings. Table centerpieces were beautiful fall flower arrangements from Thompson’s Flower Shop. Thompson Funeral Chapel, LaLoma, Estrella Estates, The Groves, Pathways and Freedom Plaza sponsored the cost of the centerpieces.…

HOA Website Ways – January 2015

Priscilla Wardlow HOA Committees are an important part of our governance at PebbleCreek. The committees are comprised of homeowners, Board members who serve as liaisons and HOA staff members who support the committees. To learn more about PebbleCreek’s committees, sign on to the HOA website (, then go to Governance on the navigation bar and…