Genealogy Club News

Vicky Ferraresi Join us Monday, March 11 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Eagle’s Nest Palm Room for the next PebbleCreek Genealogy Club (PCGC) meeting. Our Mission: Educate and support the members of the PC Genealogy community in genealogical research, including computer databases, offline records, and source documentation. Guests are always welcome! The theme of this year’s…

Mah Jongg January Class

Sue White Twelve ladies attended Beginners Mah Jongg lessons for four weeks in January. They learned the basics of the game, including building walls, the Charleston, learning names of the tiles, reading the Mah Jongg card, and the strategies of the game. They all enjoyed meeting new friends and learning to “love the game.” Sue White…

News from the PebbleCreek Shalom Club

Ronnie Levine On Feb. 27, the Shalom Club welcomed author Zack Bodner who discussed his recently published book “Why Do Jewish?,” which seeks to answer the age-old question: How do I live a more meaningful life? Bodner is the son of member Myrna Bodner. Other February events included a men’s luncheon at Dillion’s KC BBQ, a ladies’ luncheon…

Breast Cancer Discussion Group Meeting

The Breast Cancer Discussion group will be meeting on Thursday, March 28 at 10 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. We meet on the fourth Thursday of every month. We are so pleased to have Dr. Rich Shildt, retired oncologist, joining us to help answer questions or concerns we may have. We encourage you to come if…