Jason Whitehill Q. My tee shots are being pushed straight right most of the time and when I try to correct it, the ball starts left and then slices right. A. It is important for all golfers, regardless of ability to understand, that it is face angle at contact that controls the initial direction of…
Sports, December 2015
Pro’s Corner
Sports, December 2015
PCMGA sponsors annual pizza party for grounds crew
Howie Tiger On Thursday, November 5 the PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association held a pizza party for the golf grounds crew at the Tuscany Falls maintenance building located off Indian School Road. This is an annual event where members of the PCMGA board get a chance to meet and share some pizza with the men and…
Sports, December 2015
Sports, December 2015
Bocce season deadline
The Bocce Ball Winter Season runs from January 5 until March 11, 2016. League play is either on Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, Thursday night or Friday morning. Registration forms are located in the Bocce Slot at the Community Information Club Board across from the Eagle’s Nest Pro Shop. Early Registration Complete the Winter Registration form…
Generals, December 2015
Upcoming events and activities in PebbleCreek
A Celebration of Christmas Bus Trip – December 5, 2015; 3:00 p.m. Experience the true season of Christmas like never before! This extraordinary Broadway-style performance features a live orchestra, state-of-the-art technology with incredible special effects, professional acrobatic silk artists, a beautiful Nativity and so much more! In this year’s show a group of people discover…