Gray wins dancing championship

The 2016 Dancing with the PebbleCreek Stars competitors, from left: Ane Aune, Julie Walmsley, Champion Donna Gray, Rich Elliott, Brian Cate and Chuck Freeman.

Pat Ingalls Donna Gray was named champion of the 2016 Dancing with the PebbleCreek Stars competition at the fifth annual event held Friday, January 29 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Runner-up was Julie Walmsley. “I’d like to display the mirror-ball trophy in my front yard,” Gray quipped to the audience about her coveted award, but…

Lady Niner news

Left to right: Pat Kaer, Anna Schuchman, Tina Stepzinski, Lynn Havens, Sharon Adamy (not pictured Diana Martell

Suzanne Butler The PebbleCreek Lady Nine Hole Golf Association will have three teams competing in the upcoming AWGA 2015 Nine Hole State Medallion Championship Tournament to be held at PebbleCreek on January 17. The teams will consist of Tina Stepzinski and Lynn Havens, Sharon Adamy and Diana Martell and Anna Schuchman and Pat Kaer. The…

25th annual PebbleCreek Pooch Parade

I am ready for the parade.

Jim Ellison Preparations are currently underway for our twentieth annual PebbleCreek Pooch Parade which will be held on Saturday, March 26, 2016, at the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse on the back patio. Entry registration forms for your dogs will be made available in early February at the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse and on our website ( During…