Shopping Extravaganza in PebbleCreek!

Bryan Newman Join us for a spectacular day of camaraderie and fun at the Shopping & Home Services Extravaganza! Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 14, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Chianti Room of PebbleCreek Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. Enjoy shopping with 25 local vendors. Entertainment features include: a mesmerizing performance from Magic…

Carver of the Month: Dr. Robert Sellers

Jim Brown Dr. Robert Sellers has been a club member since 2020 but had carved wood for many years prior to joining the PebbleCreek Woodcarving Club. Bob’s summer residence is located near the Missouri River in Council Bluffs, Iowa. This might explain Bob’s prolific carving of water fowl. In the past year Bob has carved…

Democratic Club Meeting in March Welcomed Candidates

Gillian Driscoll The PebbleCreek Democratic Club held their monthly meeting on March 7. There was an excellent turnout of members and guests to hear and appreciate candidates for office in the November election. The evening was filled with speeches from candidates seeking to be on the ballot in November. In Arizona, candidates must receive a…

Birthday Gathering for Golf Advocate Ray Clements

Erv Stein On Feb. 2, a group of PebbleCreek PCM9GA fellow members participated in a birthday celebration held at the residence of Steve Roseman, expressing appreciation for Ray Clements, among likely the most interesting, surely flamboyant, and much-admired former presidents of our PCM9GA golf group. Kudos to Gary Houser for his efforts to plan and…