HOA Website Ways

When is Bulk Trash pickup, anyway? Priscilla Wardlow The most commonly asked question at PebbleCreek has to be, “When is bulk pickup?” We are fortunate to live in a place that offers bulk pickup on a regular basis, but the schedule is different in each neighborhood and that makes it a bit confusing. The HOA…

Wednesday Afternoon Pairs Bridge

Darlene Finnegan Pairs Bridge meets every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Palm Room. For more information, call Luanne and Wes Jorgensen at 935-9200. The following winners are for the indicated dates: July 1, 2015: 1st Karl Wisser and Jerry Young; 2nd Fran Wichers and Fred Schwartz; 3rd David Wattenberg and John Macdonald…

New Patrol director named

Patrol Director John Singleton

The PebbleCreek HOA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the selection of John Singleton as Director of Patrol, effective August 31. Mr. Singleton brings over 30 years of law enforcement experience in Colorado and Arizona to our community. He is retiring from his position as a Goodyear Police Department patrol lieutenant to join the…