Studying women in the Bible and Women’s History month

Seated left to right: Audry James, Jesse Jones, Emma Mosley, Jean Gwyn, Edrena Alexander, Tessie Sharp; standing left to right: Edrena Alexander, Margie Thompson, Sandria Simmons, Cynthia Bush

Jean Gwyn On March 31 a group of PebbleCreek Ladies celebrates its one year anniversary of studying Women in the Bible while enjoying lunch in a beautifully decorated private dining room in PebbleCreek’s Toscana’s Restaurant. The month of March is Women’s History month and honors women who have lived their life with great impact. Our anniversary…

Singles get artistic

PebbleCreek Singles enjoy Pictionary

Shawnee Robison Every second Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. some of the PebbleCreek Singles exercise their artistic abilities and imaginations! “How?” you say? Well—it’s called Pictionary! And, boy, do we have fun! It makes ya feel like a kid again! You get to draw stick people and be silly! There’s a lot of,…

PC Irish American Club annual golf tournament

Jan Kirk and Maureen Pugsley, Tarts-In-A-Cart

“Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft.” “Today, it’s called golf;” Irish saying. The seventh annual PCIAC Charity Golf Tournament was held on Sunday, March 13, 2016, at Tuscany Falls. There was a grand turnout with all 216 slots filled, followed by a scrumptious corned beef lunch…

Democratic Club held annual spring potluck

The PebbleCreek Democratic Club held its annual Spring Potluck Picnic on Sunday, April 10, 2016, in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. This year’s theme was Dems in Blue in anticipation of a Democratic victory this November. Our special guests were attorney, former lawmaker and Arizona Corporation Commissioner Bill Mundell, a candidate for a seat on the…

PebbleCreek Car Club news

Larry Cabral and Bernie Babcock were awarded first and second place at the Sands All American Car Show. Larry won first place for his 1968 silver and black Hurst Olds in the 1960s category and Bernie won second place for his 2008 victory red Corvette convertible in the 2005 - 2013 Corvette category.

Linda Babcock Members of the PebbleCreek Car Club have enjoyed car shows and group activities this past month. Several members attended the Sands All American Car show on March 20 where two proud members of the club were recognized for their outstanding cars. Larry Cabral took home the first place plaque for his silver and…