Not to miss bus trips in 2016!

Pageant of the Masters and Catalina Island Bus Trip – July 26 through 29 Back by popular demand – the Pageant of the Masters – a remarkable presentation of living pictures. Cast members re-create classical and contemporary artwork paintings, sculptures, posters, ceramic pieces, jewelry and more! Innovative makeup and costumes, intricate sets, state of the…

Horseshoe enthusiasm ringing steady

Showing off their new shirts emblazoned with All-America HorseShoe Association are, front row, from left: Jim Sulzer, Bob Ewest, Ted Ingalls, Paul Messina, Tom Bose and Frank Glowinski; back row: Doug Rollins, Steve Gramm, Doug Will, Jim Loeb, Bernie Babcock, Rich Tighe, Jeff Harper, Elliott Rudoy and Tim Irvin. Absent from the photo are regulars Ron Glynn, Vern Henrickson, Patricia Ingalls, Dave Kauchek, Ken Kopps, John McSwiggan, John Mitchell, Dick Oliver and Georgia Weinstein; photo by Paul Messina.

Pat Ingalls Horseshoe players gather at PebbleCreek’s Sunrise Park every Tuesday morning to enjoy pitching ringers and getting dirt on their shoes. “We welcome new players and especially encourage more women to give it a try,” said the group’s organizer Ted Ingalls.

PebbleCreek Car Club updates

Linda Babcock Members of the PebbleCreek Car Club have been enjoying the abundance of spring car shows. Several members participated in the CCV Car Shows in various locations April 16 and 17. On April 23 the annual Veterans Car Show at Westgate was a popular location to view vintage and custom rides as well as…

May 5 Republican meeting

Left to right: Sam McKinstry, secretary, Jonathan Schofield, treasurer, Lyle Rapacki, speaker, Linda Migliore, president, Bari Cavallo, vice president

Liz Gibson The PebbleCreek Republican Club welcomed members and invited guests to the monthly meeting Thursday, May 5 in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room. The social time began at 6:30 p.m. with a cash bar and the meeting followed at 7:00 p.m. There was a complimentary snack table provided through members dues. Following the business…

Knimble Kneedles news

2016 officers are Jan Hover, president, Lee Sharp, treasurer and Bonnie Griffin, secretary.

Do you love to knit or crochet or would like to learn to knit or crochet? Then come and join the Knimble Kneedles group which meets each Thursday morning from 9:00 a.m. to noon in the Creative Arts Building (Diamondback Room). We are a welcoming group of women (though men can join us, too) who…

Happy Anniversary

From left to right: Dianne Baczynski, John Baczynski, Edie Lodberg and Ole Lodberg

Norma Whitley On May 13 neighbors and friends helped residents Dianne and John Baczynski celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary (anniversary date 5/13), as well as, Edie and Ole Lodberg celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary (anniversary date 5/14) at a Happy Hour get together. Congratulations to both couples!