Kare Bears’ Korner

Abrazo West Hospital tours – July and August Sue White Kare Bears has scheduled a tour and lunch at Abrazo West Hospital, formerly West Valley Hospital, on Thursday, July 21. A maximum of 16 people can sign up. If the July 21 date is filled, you may sign up for the Thursday, August 18 tour…

PC Hiking Club Diary

Lynn Warren On May 23, five PebbleCreek B hikers decided to check out a couple of new segments on the PCT—no, not the Pacific Crest Trail but a little closer to home on the Prescott Circle Trail. Since the hike began at around 6,000 feet elevation, and it was a little before the really hot…

NIne reasons why you should play bridge

Kathy Bergman, PC Duplicate Sanctioned Bridge 1. Adventure: once you try it, you’ll never give it up. 2. Challenge: those who seek the highest level of mental stimulation move on to activities such as Bridge. 3. Entertainment: Bridge is the most entertaining and intelligent card game that witty individuals have so far devised. 4. Fascination:…

GoodTime Gals

Pat Atkinson All women who live in PebbleCreek are automatically members of the GoodTime Gals. Come alone or bring a friend to any of our activities. The GoodTime Gals have an email to send you news and announcements. To be added to our email list contact us at pcgoodtimegals@gmail with your name, address and phone…

Bruce Petrarca earns “Master Model Railroader” title

Bruce Petrarca, MMR

Mark Pelletier PebbleCreek Model Railroad Club member and President Bruce Petrarca has earned the title of Master Model Railroader (MMR) as designated by the National Model Railroad Association’s Achievement Program. Bruce is the 574th person to achieve this status in the 55 years since the program began. The process to achieve the MMR is somewhat…