Howie Tiger Jerry Monk, president of the PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association, challenged his executive board to create a mission statement to reflect the main purpose of the PCMGA. He wanted to make it clear for our community exactly what we do and why we have this organization. Here it is: “To conduct weekly golf tournaments…
Sports, December 2016
PCMGA Executive Board issues mission statement
Generals, December 2016
20th annual Fall Home and Garden Tour raises $8,700 for Shop with a Cop
For the seventh year in a row, the 20th annual Fall Home and Garden Tour was sold out! Thank you, PebbleCreek, for your support of the City of Goodyear’s Shop with a Cop program! Over $8700 in ticket sales and donations were raised! Our committee and the City of Goodyear Police Department want to thank…
Generals, December 2016
LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek
Start 2017 with new knowledge As you make your New Year’s resolutions, why not add something to your list that will introduce you to something new and expand your mind? LifeLong Learning offers classes on a wide variety of topics. Several of the classes are full already; if you have registered and find you have…
Features, December 2016
Couple completely redecorates home for the holidays
Susan Knox Wilson If you think you spend too much time decorating your home for the holidays, you need to meet Tom and Mary Ann Bose. This energetic couple may hold the neighborhood record for holiday decorating – every room in their home gets a complete makeover (and yes, that includes the bathrooms!). Tom and…
Sports, December 2016
PCLGA members play in CAGD Tournament at Los Caballeros
Lynn Matousek Thirteen PCLGA members played in the Central Arizona Golf District Tournament held at Los Caballeros Golf Club in Wickenburg, Arizona on October 24, 2016. The PCLGA partnered teams were Jane Hee and Carolyn Suttles; Mary Falso and Monica Lee; Ann Page and Donnie Meyers; Sue Abercrombie and Donna Monk; Linda Thompson and Cheryl…
Sports, December 2016
Desert Mashie Golf Club invites you to its New Year’s Eve celebration
Carolyn Suttles Desert Mashie Golf Club invites you and your guest to attend our 69th annual New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance here at PebbleCreek in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom, Saturday, December, 31, 2016. It is a dressy black/white attire affair. Come out and enjoy a great dinner, music, awards, raffle prizes, champagne toast and lots…