Tuscany Falls Golf Cart Caroling

151 golf cart carolers and 68 golf carts ready to go caroling

Rod and Linda Grabau Oh, what a night! We had an overwhelming response to sign up for Tuscany Falls Golf Cart Caroling this year. There were 151 PebbleCreekers who went golf cart caroling in Tuscany Falls on December 5. That is 68 golf carts, split up into five groups! We brought Christmas joy to 35…

Tutor volunteers needed

Jan Cosgrove After golf, before Pickleball, between meetings, are you—looking for meaningful give back volunteer opportunities? Check out the Southwest Valley Literacy Association. Our tutor volunteers are teaching English language skills to non-English speaking adults in the west valley so they can become productive in our communities. Southwest Valley Literacy offers Tutor Training Workshops several…

Introducing the new Food and Beverage Loyalty Program

Susan Knox Wilson The PebbleCreek HOA is pleased to announce a new loyalty program, effective January 1, 2017. Now when you use your homeowner’s card to make food and/or beverage purchases, you will be automatically enrolled in the new PebbleCreek Loyalty program and begin accumulating reward points. “This new program rewards regular users with PebbleCreek…

October 2016 YTD Budget Summary

The October budget financials reflect the strong revenue performance to start the last quarter of the year. The October YTD revenue is 3.8% favorable to budget with all departments continuing to exceed their revenue targets for the year. Continued homeowner support of the PebbleCreek amenities has been a significant factor to the positive financial results.…

Expressions Gallery Holiday Gifts and More

Sherry Blatner Book this date – Friday, December 2. Our very own PebbleCreek authors, whose books are always in stock for sale in the Gallery, will be available for a meet and greet from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Titles for sale are as varied as our resident population and include The Dresden Manuscripts, the PC…