PCHOA Budget Summary – February 2016

The February budget financials indicate that PebbleCreek continues the strong start since the first of the year. The February YTD revenue is 6.0% favorable to budget with all departments exceeding their projected revenue for the first two months of the year. February had 10 new home closings including three Villas for a year-to-date total of…

Meet our PebbleCreek Landscaping Crew

Ron Sawyer (seated on right) with some of his landscaping crew

Susan Knox Wilson For those of you who do your own lawn and garden maintenance, you know how much work it is to keep your place picture perfect. You’d have to have the right tools and knowledge to help you make sure that your garden was perfect. Not to mention knowing some good On-site Shed…

TRICARE notice

Lin Hikida The Luke Air Force Base 56 Medical Group is sponsoring TRICARE briefings for military retirees and their family members at the Luke AFB Base Theater on Wednesday, May 4, 2016. These TRICARE for Life briefings are for those nearing age 65 or for those beneficiaries under the age of 65 who are/may be…

Pounds off!

Melissa Kallett If you are like me the winter months took a toll on your body and now with summertime shorts on the horizon, you are looking for a sure fire way to take the winter weight off. The answer is at your Tuscany Falls Fitness Studios with the WellBeats Pounds Off eight week workout…

Salute to PC veterans

As a salute to PebbleCreek veterans, a digital presentation is being added to Veterans Day activities on November 11, 2016. Images of veterans in their uniforms during their respective time of service, their names and period of service will be shown. To accomplish this, PebbleCreek veterans are asked to submit a photo or send a…