Susan Knox Wilson Greg Fausto, PebbleCreek’s new Director of Facilities, brings an impressive array of talent to the job, including a specialty I had not heard of before – Life Safety. When you’re living in an active adult community it seems a good idea to have someone who specializes in life safety, so I looked…
Features, February 2017
Meet Greg Fausto – PebbleCreek’s new Director of Facilities
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Oncologist at Breast Cancer Discussion Group
Rayma Scalzo Have you been recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer? If so, we would love to have you participate in our Breast Cancer Discussion Group. We also invite all of you who have had breast cancer to come as your experience can be helpful to those just beginning the journey. Plus, you might learn some…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
PC Hiking Club Diary
Lynn Warren Apache Wash Trailhead is part of the northern section of the Phoenix Sonoran Preserve, just south of Cave Creek between Carefree Highway and Dove Valley Road. Although close to developed areas, the preserve offers a variety of scenic trails with names like Sidewinder, Ocotillo, Apache Vista, etc., which provide plenty of challenge; on…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Local authors speak at P.E.O. Books ‘N Lunch event
Lynn Cline P.E.O. Chapter DM is presenting our sixth annual scholarship benefit, Books ‘N Lunch, to be held at Christ Presbyterian Church, 925 N. Sarival Avenue on Saturday, March 4, 2017, at 11:30 a.m. Many members of Chapter DM reside in PebbleCreek. This year we will have two fantastic local speakers. Shelley Coriell is an…
Generals, February 2017
Learn about compounding medications, supplements and probiotics February 15
Susan White Kare Bears would like to invite you to hear Key Lam, Pharm D, of Key Health Pharmacy and Compounding, at the Kare Bears monthly presentation on Wednesday, February 15 at 11:00 a.m. at the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. What is compounded medication? It is really going back to the old times when a pharmacist…
Sports, February 2017
Bocce players combine fun with charitable efforts
Pat Milich There’s no denying the word is out. Joining the PebbleCreek Bocce Association is synonymous with having a good time! With membership growing to over 700 players, there’s plenty of fun and friendship going on Wednesday and Friday mornings and Tuesday and Thursday nights as 66 teams currently compete in the Spring Season’s Day…