Seats available for three LLL trips; sign up now! When the LifeLong Learning trip team plans its activities it searches for the unusual, as well as the tried and true. Seats remain on three trips in March, all places never visited before by LifeLong Learning. To sign up for any of the trips listed below,…
Generals, March 2017
LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek
Sports, March 2017
PebbleCreek Pickleball Club hosted Chili Cookoff
Pam Smith On January 22, 2017 PebbleCreek Pickleball Club hosted a Chili Cook-off. Free admission and lunch with a canned food donation for the Aqua Fria Food Bank. The cook-off was well attended with delicious chili selections of over 25 different pots! We awarded cash prizes for our five top chili winners. Great fun, great…
Sports, March 2017
Socializing at the tennis social
Susie Anderson March is here and even though January and February were cool it never stopped the tennis fans in PebbleCreek from playing outside, even at 33 degrees in the morning. We have some changes and additions to the club, so read on! First: Our membership meetings will be moved up to 5:00 p.m. on…
Clubs & Classes, March 2017
Oncologist to address Breast Cancer Discussion Group
Rayma Scalzo Have you been recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer? If so, we would love to have you participate in our Breast Cancer Discussion Group. We also invite all of you who have had breast cancer to come as your experience can be helpful to those just beginning the journey. Plus, you might learn some…
Sports, March 2017
Lynn Matousek On January 29, 2017, Eagle’s Nest No. 17 was no problem for PCLGA member Pam Schunke as she made the most of a beautiful Sunday afternoon by getting a hole-in-one. Pam was playing with her husband Kelly and friend Roy Bridges. Using her gap wedge for the 99-yard hole, Pam hit the perfect…
Clubs & Classes, March 2017
Republican Club holds Boots and Diamonds dance
Liz Gibson The party was definitely a blast. Boots and Diamonds, the inaugural dance from the PebbleCreek Republican Club, was held Saturday, February 4 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom and was a real foot-stomping, fun dancing event. Bari Cavallo, vice president, was chairperson for the party and worked on all the details from catering to…