PCLGA Cholla Team results

Claudia Tiger, Karen Vagley, Sue Abercrombie, Sally Babbitt, Donnie Meyers, Ann Page

Lynn Matousek The PCLGA has two teams that are part of the Cholla Travel League, a team from Eagle’s Nest and a team from Tuscany Falls. Even though neither team won this year, everyone had a great time. It was an opportunity to play different courses at a reasonable price. The Cholla teams play a…

Pickleball survey results

Pam Smith Here is what the players said about our second annual PebbleCreek Pickleball Tournament that was held in February. We shared these results with all the players but wanted to share it with the club also. As we all know, the volunteers were the stars! Yes, we could not have done it without the…

PCLGA award winners

Best Attendance: Charlene Held with Kathy Hubert-Wyss

Lynn Matousek Statistics matter! And when you have good people with great statistics, it’s worth writing about. Every year there are a few members of the PCLGA who go “above and beyond” in certain categories and consequently earn recognition for their outstanding achievements. This year, at the PCLGA Annual Meeting held on March 22, 2017,…

A special guest plays in PCLGA Member/Guest tournament

Linda Port and Sheri Sears

Lynn Matousek At the recent PCLGA Member/Guest Tournament, PCLGA member Sheri Sears invited Linda Port to participate as her guest. Sheri and Linda have been friends for over 10 years, both living in Rancho Santa Fe, California. Thirty years ago Linda was diagnosed with progressive hereditary eye disease and as a result lost all but…

Bocce board urges participants to think ahead

In order to help both present and future participants in the PebbleCreek Bocce Association, especially our snowbirds, to secure a spot in next year’s play, the Board of Directors has prepared a list of important dates: 2017 Fall League: Early Registration: Turn in to Mollie McErlean by September 3. Regular Registration: Tuesday, September 5 and…

Champions crowned by PCLGA

2017 PCLGA Overall Low Net Champion Layne Sheridan with Golf Pro Jason Whitehill

Lynn Matousek The PCLGA held its Tournament of Champions on March 14, 21 and 22, 2017 co-chaired by Sally Babbitt, Donnie Meyers, Barb Rossi and Karen Vagley. Congratulations to Andrea Dilger, the 2017 PCLGA Overall Low Gross Champion and Layne Sheridan, the 2017 PCLGA Overall Low Net Champion! High Tea was the theme for this…