Skills challenge at 2017 PCMGA Member-Guest tourney

John Low and his son David compete in Flop Shot Competition.

Howie Tiger On Wednesday, April 26, the PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association provided several Member-Guest pre-tournament activities at the Tuscany Falls practice area. The activities included the Callaway Pro Shop, practice rounds and a skills challenge just like the one on Golf Channel’s Big Break program. The skills event consisted of three separate challenges: a nine-hole putting…

End of Season Lawn Party

Was the sixth annual End of Season Lawn Party a great success? Did the Titanic take on water? What a way to say goodbye to cool weather! Beyond making a Hawaiian shirt fashion statement, Pebble Rock played the music loved by all. A well-stocked buffet and an extra service bar kept the food and beverages…

Comment card winner for April announced

Communications Team for Melissa Gonzales PebbleCreek homeowner Sheryl McLaughlin is the lucky winner of the April PebbleCreek comment card prize drawing! You may ask, what did she win and why? Sheryl filled out a comment card after dining at one of PebbleCreek’s restaurants making her eligible for the drawing. Melissa Gonzales, Director of Food and…

Help revise the ALC guidelines

Susan Knox Wilson Want bigger pots for your courtyard? Think we should ban bougainvilleas? PebbleCreek neighbors, you can make a difference! Now is the time to share your suggestions with the Architectural and Landscape Committee. “Our Guidelines are not written in stone as some folks seem to think,” shared Bill Halte, Vice Chairman and Manager…

Celebration of women

Honorees of Achieving My Purpose, Inc. (AMP)

PebbleCreek’s own Carolyn Suttles was honored Wednesday, April 19, 2017, at ASU Kerr Cultural Center. She was among honorees of Police Chief Jeri Williams, Lin Sue Cooney of TV fame, doctors, lawyers and Tamara Littlesalt from the Navajo Nation. These ladies are a part of the Achieving My Purpose, Inc. (AMP). AMP’s program is focused…