How many bits in a byte?

Kathy Gorchesky These wild, early risers have braved the cold winter mornings to be involved in the Pub Nite Trivia. They have gotten up early, brought their coffee, blankets, pillows and great attitudes to wait in line for tickets. This has become an early morning social event with chatting and just hanging out. Pub Nite…

Denim and Diamonds Dinner Dance

Nancy Herrem April is here and that means it’s time for the PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Club’s (PCBDC’s) Denim and Diamonds Dinner Dance to be held on April 22 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. The evening begins at 5:00 p.m. with a no-host bar, registration and the sale of May’s casual dance tickets. Dinner is served…

Fourth annual Aerial Yoga outing

Timberlee Tamraz Grove On February 21, eleven brave yogis ventured to the Fairmont Princess in Scottsdale to take an Aerial yoga class. The class is fun and challenging. One must use their upper body strength to pull up on the silks and practice the aerial version of the asanas that we are comfortable with from…

Breast Cancer Discussion Group notice

Rayma Scalzo We are pleased to have Dr. Rich Shildt, Oncologist, attend our April 27 meeting at the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. This is a great opportunity to ask questions if you have been recently diagnosed, are currently undergoing treatment or are a long time breast cancer survivor. One of the challenges our group faces is…