Maureen Strachan’s quilts
Debbie Arsenault
For the month of October, PebbleCreek (PC) Quilters showcased the work of Maureen Strachan. Maureen moved from Michigan in 2020. PC Quilters was the first club she joined. She finds the quilters warm, welcoming, and encouraging, no matter your level of experience. An avid life-long sewer, Maureen had a desire to expand her abilities and tackle a king size quilt from scrap fabrics she inherited from her sister. She has taken advantage of the many classes the Quilt Club offers to expand her knowledge of techniques. Maureen has expanded to designing quilts on her computer to creating them on her sewing machine. She has served as webmaster for the club since 2021. Maureen enjoys creating quilts to honor our veterans and supporting charities that provide quilts to children. Maureen feels quilting nurtures her creative side while providing an outlet to relax and piece together the fabrics of life.