‘Not Really Hollywood’ New Book by PebbleCreek Resident

The Golden Age of Television was about family comedy, and Joe Connelly penned classic shows that are still syndicated today. Not Really Hollywood is an entertaining calamity of adventures through the eyes of his son Rick Connelly, “The Real Beav.”

Joe’s son was the inspiration for Leave It to Beaver, but he was not part of the Hollywood glamour—hence, Not Really Hollywood. Ricky was just a kid who chopped off his syllables, which lead to a humorous life.

Joe Connelly penned over 20 television, radio, and movie productions, starting with the Amos ‘n’ Andy radio show and ending with Elvis Presley’s final movie, Change of Habit. While synonymous with the motion picture industry, Connelly lived a lavish and engaging lifestyle. The outrageous stories of working with two past presidents, crusades abroad, or riding on the back of a police motorcycle were always the criteria. Rick takes a lighthearted look starting from age six by growing up in Bel-Air, minor catastrophes, caddying for celebrities, his corporate days, and raising a family.

According to Rick, “Not Really Hollywood is an ongoing and witty reflection of my Dad’s Hollywood way of life and my lifetime of hilarious episodes.” He added, “Lucky for me that I was the inspiration for Beav, not for Eddie Munster.”

Each chapter is dedicated to a Leave It to Beaver show that highlights the past memories of Connelly’s experiences.

Not Really Hollywood is available at Amazon.com (books).