From The New Home Sales Team

PebbleCreek has recently added five new home plans to the stunning Model Village. The Sterling, Bacara and Avalon models were added to the Estate series and the Fresco and Montecito were added to the Tradition series. All of the homes feature open concept living and visionary design that is incomparable to anywhere else.

Are you looking for a home that enhances your enjoyment of a carefree active adult lifestyle? A luxury Villa might be just what you are looking for. Lock & Leave living gives you the freedom to travel and/or enjoy a carefree and worry free lifestyle. The homeowners association established for the Villas will maintain the landscaping (installed by the association) on the front, side and backyard of each Villa home as well as maintain the home exterior.

At our community we believe that resort-style amenities help to create a luxurious ambiance perfect for our residents to enjoy a true active adult lifestyle. That’s why we offer everything from sporting and wellness/fitness activities to the arts and social clubs and organizations. With a variety of activity rooms, outdoor complexes and close to 100 clubs, there is an experience waiting for everyone.