Nan Osterholt is the PebbleCreek Pottery/Sculpture Club Featured Artist for April

Nan Osterholt

Nan Osterholt

Jeff Wilson

The PebbleCreek Pottery/Sculpture Club featured artist for April is Nan Osterholt. Nan moved to PC from Sacramento, California in April 2019. She and husband Steve have settled right in, enjoying PC clubs and the many activities offered throughout the community. They also consider the move here a bonus, since their son’s family lives in Goodyear.

After retiring from nursing in 2006, Nan began taking pottery classes at Sacramento Community College and continued on to get her associate of fine arts degree. She spent the next eight years as a volunteer at the college assisting teachers with students, making glazes, and working the kilns in the pottery studio. Additionally, during this time, she worked on an independent studies program in clay media.

The Pottery/Sculpture Club has offered her the opportunity to continue exploring her clay passion. She also enjoys acrylic painting and other crafts. Nan is thrilled to be able to continue working in clay and looks forward to many years of fun and new friends.

Examples of Nan’s work can be seen in the display cases outside the Pottery Room in the Creative Arts Center. Signup sheets for upcoming pottery/sculpture sponsored classes can be found in the Expressions Gallery in the Creative Arts Center.