Men’s Drop-In Tennis Annual Party

Braden Westley’s oversize racket, won for player of the year, is sure to intimidate opponents.

Ken Minichiello

It was a perfect sunny day for the Men’s Drop-In Tennis Party on the first day of April at Oasis Pool. Everyone had a great time enjoying not only the camaraderie and socialization among the players and their wives or significant others, but also the great food that included BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs, homemade salads, and Sig Mueller’s famous baked goodies.

Of course, it’s not a party without Lou Tronzo’s hilarious annual award-winning presentations for this year’s well-deserving tennis players. The first award went to Braden Westley for player of the year. The prize was an enormously oversize racket that is sure to intimidate the opponents. The second award went to George Bohl for his amazing ability to switch racket hands when hitting backhands. The prize was two rackets designated specifically for each hand to enhance his tennis proficiency. And finally, the last award went to Sig Mueller for his relentless reprimands for players arriving late to tennis. The prize was a mangled racket to show it’s the weapon of choice to enforce his late arrival rules.

The live performance by Jeff Harrison and Howard Brodbeck, Two’s Company Folk Duo, was very enjoyable. They sang popular folk and country songs as Jeff played the guitar and banjo, and Howard the guitar and harmonica.

A special thanks to Mike Brady, Lou Tronzo, Dan Clinton, Sig Mueller, Peter Jeziorski, and Phil Carlson for making this party a huge success. The players already have asked that Oasis Pool and entertainment be reserved again for next year’s party!