Men’s Christian Fellowship update: Tom Chapman to speak at October 3 meeting

Larry Gleason

The Men’s Christian Fellowship of PebbleCreek is excited to return to their normal activities schedule after the summer hiatus. At their October 3 meeting the Fellowship is looking forward to hearing their president, Tom Chapman, share his personal testimony concerning his life’s walk with the Lord. Some of the situations that impacted Tom’s life which he will touch upon include: growing up with a handicapped sibling; a hardware store leads to salvation; Wheaton College; Army; a long hard road and the light of serving Jesus.

Tom Chapman is a very active Christian both within and outside of PebbleCreek. In addition to being a founder of the Men’s Christian Fellowship and current president, he also leads a Tuesday morning Bible Study for men at PebbleCreek. A retired Army Major, he has been active in local and state government affairs including candidacy for the state Senate and also helped establish the AZ state prayer network. Tom is a Chaplain for The Gideons International and also a Chaplain with BGEA Rapid Response Teams.

The October 3 Fellowship meeting will be held at 7:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room. Pastries and coffee will be available for purchase at 7:00 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Coffee Bar, adjacent to the Chianti Room. All men residing in PebbleCreek are welcome to attend the meeting; the meeting is free and you do not have to be a member of the Men’s Christian Fellowship to attend.

The Men’s Christian Fellowship also has a weekly Bible Study held on Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. in the Annex Room adjacent to the Chianti Room. All men residing in PebbleCreek are welcome to come and study the Lord’s word along with discussion and fellowship with Christian men.