Larry Gleason
The Men’s Christian Fellowship is growing. We now have 122 members.
At their March 7 meeting the Men’s Christian Fellowship was fortunate to have Rod Handley speak on “Trusting Relationships”. Rod founded his Character That Counts ministry in 2000 and speaks around the nation to companies, schools, churches and athletic teams at all levels. Rod began his presentation stating one word describes what the Bible is about, which is “relationships.” There is the vertical relationship we have with God and the horizontal relationships believers have with each other. Rod stressed what makes these relationships successful is trust, defined as when we believe completely and totally in someone or something. He referenced Proverbs 3:5 in regards to our trust relationship with God. Trust is the “glue” to every relationship and when trust is there, relationships soar. Trust is not built just by talking about it, it comes with the combination of integrity and love. Trust is built when words and actions are in alignment whether it is in marriage, friendships, work, etc. To build successful relationships, vertical with God and horizontal with other Christians, Rod shared five necessary components using the word trust.
T: time is required to build and keep relationships
R: respond with excellence, following through with what you say you will do such as being on time, etc.
U: understand expectations of you and exceed them, the most important earthly situation being that with one’s spouse
S: serve willingly as well as creatively, recognizing that creative service demonstrates you are thinking about how to make the relationship better
T: truth in all you do, recognizing that lack of truth destroys relationships.
At the April 4 Men’s Christian Fellowship meeting Don Sass, PC resident and Fellowship member, will be showing the first of the DVD series in the Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project. The Truth Project looks at life from a biblical perspective, specifically looking in greater detail at the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in our daily life. Only nine percent of professing Christians have a biblical worldview resulting in believers living very similarly to non-believers. Following the DVD presentation, Don will lead a discussion on the DVD’s message. After going blind in his right eye eight years ago, Don started The Blind Eye Ministry. His states his ministry is simply his eight-year journey on how God has opened his spiritual eyes to His supernatural power he had never paid any attention to and how he has been guided to places he never knew existed. The Truth Project was one of the resources that had a great effect on his life.
The Fellowship’s meeting will be held at 7:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room. Coffee and pastries will be available for purchase at 7:00 in the Tuscany Falls Coffee Bar, adjacent to the Chianti Room. All men residing in PebbleCreek are invited to attend to view and discuss The Truth Project, an invaluable resource for today’s Christians.