Mr. Tom Chapman
Larry Gleason
On February 1 the Fellowship heard two very informative presentations. PebbleCreek resident Igor Shpudejko shared information on the U.S./Israel relationship along with issues impacting Israel’s future. Tom Chapman, the Fellowship’s president, presented information on biblical prophecies that potentially were fulfilled in 2016 along with a look at what can be expected this year.
Igor noted the U.S./Israel relationships declined during the previous administration who expanded ties with the Muslim Brotherhood organization, released $221 million dollars to the Palestinian Authority the last week in office, and then spearheaded U.N. Resolution 2334 and subsequently abstained at the Security Council voting which resulted in the resolution passing. The new U.S. administration’s pro-Israel stance, which includes dropping a two-state solution and supporting moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, may have impacted the outcome of the January Paris Peace Conference where Palestine was not granted “state” status. Igor discussed the current strong anti-Semitic movements across Europe along with growing anti-Semitic protests in many U.S. colleges. Iran is currently the greatest threat among those who support Israel’s destruction, coupled with Saudi Arabia and other Islamic states not recognizing Israel as a state. Igor also referenced biblical prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39 which indicates what is currently modern day Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya and others will at some point join together to invade Israel.
Tom Chapman referenced numerous events that occurred in 2016 which correlate to biblical prophecy. One example is Zechariah 12:3 which could correlate to the recent U.N. resolution passed (with the U.S. not blocking the vote) which requires Israel to change its borders to the 1968 status and Jerusalem to become the capital of Palestine. Another example is the current destruction of Syrian cities foretold in Isaiah 17:1. A haboob which occurred last November along the border of Israel, causing ISIS troops to withdraw, correlates to God’s intervention supporting Israel as found in Psalm 21. Tom also referenced biblical scripture related to such events as Turkey’s growing relationship with Russia, record-setting natural disasters occurring, many churches focusing less on salvation and more on modernism, and the growing chaos across Europe (former Roman Empire). While it is early in 2017 in regards to prophetic correlations, the post-election rioting in the U.S. and other countries has similarities to the days of Noah.
At their March 1 meeting, the Fellowship is pleased to have PebbleCreek resident Hal Merwald speaking. Hal and his wife Judy came to PebbleCreek in 2012 after retiring from the Young Life organization where they served 40 plus years. Young Life is a non-denominational Christian ministry reaching out to adolescents around the world. After their first assignment in Little Rock, Arkansas Hal and Judy were sent to Brazil where they spent nine years. After returning to the U.S. for additional assignments, Hal eventually became Young Life’s COO and subsequently held the position of President of Young Life in Canada. Hal and Judy’s oldest daughter lives in Brazil where she and her Brazilian husband are involved in the JOY Ministries organization, a sister organization to the one Hal and Judy started when they were in Brazil years ago. Hal is currently chair of the Board of Elders in the PebbleCreek Community Church.
All men residing in PebbleCreek are invited to attend the Fellowship’s March 1 meeting. The meeting will be held at 7:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room. Prior to the meeting, coffee and pastries will be available for purchase starting at 7:00 a.m. at the adjacent Tuscany Falls Coffee Bar.