Men’s Christian Fellowship update

Men’s Christian Fellowship members at St. Mary’s Food Bank

Men’s Christian Fellowship members at St. Mary’s Food Bank

Larry Gleason

On April 6 nine men from the Men’s Christian Fellowship traveled to St. Mary’s Food Bank in Surprise to volunteer their services for the morning. One of the Food Bank’s major programs is providing Emergency Food Boxes for individuals and families during a time of crisis. One food item in each box is a bag of rice. For their assignment the Fellowship men filled individual bags with rice to be placed in the emergency boxes. At the end of the morning the Food Bank’s coordinator was very surprised and pleased to find the Fellowship had filled more than a thousand bags with over a half-ton of rice. St. Mary’s Food Bank disperses food across Arizona with 330 partner agencies including shelters, churches, children’s shelters, food pantries and senior centers.

At the Fellowship’s May 4 meeting the guest speaker will be PebbleCreek resident Igor Shpudejko who will be speaking on the subject of Israel. He has traveled to Israel twice and taught a 12-week class on Israel in his previous church. He will be discussing the importance of the nation of Israel to Christians. His presentation will consist of three parts: the importance of Israel to God, how God has and will use Israel to judge the nations and how the existence of Israel reflects the faithfulness and sovereignty of God. Igor is a student of His/Story and enjoys seeing how God is working out His purposes through the lives of people and nations. Since becoming a believer in the mid-seventies while in the Air Force, he has read and studied the Bible extensively. He has served in various church leadership positions and has taught Sunday School for over 20 years. He has traveled to Russia with Josh McDowell four times on evangelical mission trips. Currently he and his wife Dawn lead a Life Group in their home that is associated with Desert Springs Community Church.

The May meeting will be held at 7:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room. All men residing in PebbleCreek are invited to attend this informative presentation. Coffee and rolls will be available for purchase at 7:00 a.m. at the Tuscany Falls Coffee Bar.