Ladies’ drop-in tennis

Men’s drop-in tennis
Susan Hunt
It seems hard to believe that we are approaching the end of our season here, where area leagues have completed their seasons, and snowbirds will be returning to their summer homes. As they say, time flies when you’re having fun, even though we all experienced limited activities this season due to the virus. We can all be thankful that our fellow tennis players were considerate of each other and respectful of the newly imposed rules, so that courts remained open for most of the season. We were able to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, this wonderful game, and our friendships.
Men’s and ladies’ drop-in tennis is the go-to for new people in PebbleCreek and a subsequent favorite for many. It provides the best venue for people of all levels to just drop in for play on designated days, without the necessity of a commitment, play the game they like, and make friends in the process. Men’s drop-in is on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Ladies’ drop-in is on Mondays and Wednesdays. Both take place at the Eagle’s Nest courts.