Jim Ellison and Bruce Banks
Mary O’Neill, Vice President, Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek
The Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek would like to introduce you to our dog rescuers and specialists.
Most of you already know Jim Ellison, as Jim and his wife Marge have been rescuing animals both inside and outside of PebbleCreek for about 29 years now. They also used to rescue animals for about another 10 years prior to moving to PebbleCreek. Marge is now retired from the rescue business, and Jim will be retiring from it at the end of 2024. Jim is still rescuing dogs in the meantime! Not only do we have dogs that wander in from outside of PebbleCreek, but we also have a fair number of residents’ dogs that escape their homes, and we are able to return them to their owners.
Everyone has been asking if we have found someone to take over dog rescues once Jim retires. The answer is yes, and we are happy to introduce him to you! Bruce Banks will be our new dog rescue contact. Bruce has been learning Jim’s processes this year. Ideally the Pet Companions Club would like to have a team of dog rescuers to ensure that someone is always available. If you would like to volunteer to help rescue loose dogs in our community, please reach out to Bruce.
Our rescuers also work very closely with those in our community who foster dogs. We are always looking to add to our foster home network. If you would like to volunteer to foster dogs, please contact Jim Ellison or Mary O’Neill so that we can add you to our list.