Thomas ‘Mike’ Rico
Thomas ‘Mike’ Rico, PebbleCreek resident since 2009
Educational Background: BA History, BA Economics, MA Educational Administration
Professional Background: General Building Contractor 45 years; Managed owned company with up to 300 employees for 25 years; High School Teacher 18 years
Community Service (prior to or within PebbleCreek): Served on HOA board of Pheasant Creek, Lake Forest, Calif., 3 years. Brought association back from brink of State takeover with new board policies and processes
Platform Summary: Bringing new blood and thinking to the community!
Priorities & Goals for the PebbleCreek Board of Directors in 2024:
I believe many of the CCR’s should be relaxed now that Robson Properties will definitely sell out all existing and future lots. CCR’s were initiated by land owners, speculators, developers, and real estate executives in order to present properties in a pristine fashion to lure prospective buyers. I believe we can maintain the quality lifestyle of PebbleCreek by maintaining useful rules and changing or eliminating useless ones, all done by a vote of the community not solely by the board and committees.
Reasons Why Residents Should Vote for Me:
I think you should vote for me because I would bring a new thought process to the board. I think the existing board does an excellent job but also believe you need to add new blood to the process from time to time. As an example I will use a statement from a member of the Rules Committee of which I was unaware. She had said during a meeting I attended that she would like to put up a wind chime but isn’t allowed! Personally I would not want a neighbor who is opposed to wind chimes of all things. Who knew they weren’t permitted? This is typical of the type of rule which I find absolutely ridiculous but, if by a vote of the community I find a majority prefers not to have them then I would, of course, endorse that decision even though I do not agree. I am also concerned about the cost of dues constantly rising. I know the cost of everything’s going up, but I (aside from inflationary prices) it looks to me that prices are rising faster than the ratio of new owners to the maintenance areas they create. I also believe the cost of golf is too high for residents. I do not pretend to know all the inner workings of what I have mentioned, but as a board member I would investigate and offer my perspective to these and other items I have in mind.