Left to right: Randy McConaughey, Marty McAllister, Bonnie Elliot, Mary McConaughey, Dave Henry and Dan Schimmelpfennig.
Rana Cukierski
Our first Souper Tournament/Social of the year was January 17. With the bright sun overhead, check in was at 9:15 a.m. and lots of colorful sweatsuits in the crowd! Coffee and donuts were gobbled up before 13 courts were filled with tennis players on steroids! Our Tournament Director John Flynn matched approximately 72 players who signed up in a fun format. Social Director Jeanne Schimmelpfennig had three kinds of outstanding soups/chili with fresh breads and, of course, all our refreshments. We had a record attendance of 89 participants.
Our First Inter-Community Tournament is February 15 with Sun City West. Eighteen players from PebbleCreek and 18 players from Sun City West meet at Tuscany Courts. Each team consists of Ladies, Men’s and Mixed Doubles. Results will be in next month’s issue.
February 21 was our Mixed Doubles or Nothing championship at Tuscany Courts. The story will be published in next month’s issue.
Wait until you read about our March 20 Tournament/social. It will be an exciting one with the luck of the Irish!
The Tennis Club is packed with so many socials and fun activities, how can you not want to join and have fun, play tennis, meet new friends and get great exercise? A full membership ($30 a year) gives you unlimited play on 13 lighted courts, use of the ball machine and hopper. Join competitive league play of all levels and join in all the socials and tournaments with team play and plenty of food. Social membership is $15 (attend socials only).
Our club programs continue to expand. We have men’s drop–in on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at Eagle’s Nest Courts; contact Ken Minichiello for more information at 419-356-4010. Come try it out; membership not required.
Ladies drop-in is Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and Saturday at 11:30 a.m. at Eagle’s Nest Courts; contact JoAnne Braun for more information at 480-370-7310. Come try it out; membership not required.
Thursday night Mixed Doubles is at 6:45 p.m. on Tuscany Courts. Email Bernadine Helriegel at [email protected]. Comfort court for new players and returning from injury – softer tennis – is at the same time and email Bernadine to save your spot and specify which program suits your level. Membership not required.
Tuesday night Mixed Doubles is at 5:30 p.m. on Tuscany Courts. Level of play is 3.5 to 4.0. Contact Gretchen Carlos at 623-308-2935 for more information. Membership is required.
Tennis Club meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at the Tuscany Tennis Center. Jerry Santy is our club president and can be contacted at 623-271-7996 for more information or questions. For all club information go to our website www.pebblecreektennis.com.