Lost something? Check the Lost and Found at the Eagle’s Nest front desk

Jenn Schell, PebbleCreek HOA administrator and Resident & Guest Services manager

If you didn’t already know, we provide a Lost and Found service at the Eagle’s Nest front desk. If you find something around the community, bring it by. If you have lost something, check with the staff at the front desk, you never know, it may be there waiting for you. Right now there is a wide variety of items that have been turned in, including a bicycle tire/wheel, one Walkie-Talkie (not a set…just one), garden tools, suntan lotion, game equipment, a glove and softball, sunglasses, bow tie, Webster dictionary, a full set of keys – including house keys and car keys – and headphones, to name just a few of the items. Items are logged, and those that remain unclaimed after three months are donated or sold at the annual parking lot sale.

To reduce the risk of your garden tools, game equipment, and so-fourth being lost, it’s advised that you invest in a secure location to store these items. There are several options; you could consider a part of your mudroom, or perhaps one of the portable sheds on the market, for the job. Having a set location for them means it will be less likely for them to go missing, as you would notice something out of place. Plus, we’ve found that over 50% of these items that have been recovered from the streets are stolen from the owner, as they were in unsecured locations. Having this made will mean less worry for you, and less time spent sorting for us. It’s a win-win!