Does anybody really know what time it is?
Susie Anderson
Wishing you the luck of the Irish on and off the tennis court this March.
The second half of January turned out to be perfect tennis weather. Our social in January was the Sweet 16 in honor of the New Year 2016. We had 92 people involved in another fun rotation on the courts and at the Tuscany tennis lawn. The new social committee served a sweet lunch with croissant sandwiches, sweet brownies and oranges. Jerry introduced some new members and Maggie drew tickets for the sweet door prizes. If you’ve never come to one of the tennis socials, do it, don’t be shy! We mix up members and play close to two hours and then eat. Our table and chair shortage now has a solution. We were able to obtain used banquet tables and chairs. This will allow us to hold our tournaments at Tuscany and seat 100 people or so.
Get over to the Golf Pro Shop at Tuscany and shop for tennis outfits by JoFit. We can get a 25% discount and other sizes can be ordered. If tennis and pickleball ladies support the Pro Shop they will expand to other brands.
Remember to put your $30 check ($15 for those who don’t play tennis but like to socialize with us) for dues in the drop box at the Tuscany Tennis Hut. What a deal you get: free tennis 365 days a year, monthly socials with a delicious meal and prizes, lighted courts, ball machine and sweeper and a new clock by courts 11 and 12. There are many opportunities to play within PebbleCreek and against other communities in the west valley. There are nine leagues, drop-ins and lessons. Head over to the Tuscany Tennis Hut or Eagle’s Nest Sports Building and get an application form and lots of information about our club. Our Welcoming Committee can answer many questions if you contact the chairperson Bernadine Helriegel at 623-547-1973 or email her at [email protected]. We want to grow our tennis club and we want you to play with us!
Board meetings are open to all club members at Tuscany Tennis Center every month on the first Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.
Sign up on the website for the following events in March: The March Social will be held at Tuscany on Wednesday, March 23 at 35 with dinner following Chicks With Sticks, on March 5, a women’s mixer for all levels. If you are new to PebbleCreek this is a good event to come to. Ask someone to help you sign up. It will be a round robin format and lots of fun.
Check out our website at www.pebblecreektennis.org to view upcoming events and pictures from the past events. Our president is Jerry Santy and he can be reached at 623-271-7996.