A coyote in PebbleCreek
Marge Ellison
In response to the many questions and phone calls we routinely receive concerning coyotes in and around PebbleCreek, the Pet Companions Club has invited our own Linda Bolon, founder of Wildlife in Neighborhoods, to be our guest speaker at our general membership meeting on Wednesday, March 2. We will meet at 3:00 p.m. in Room 100 of the Eagle’s Nest Activities Center.
Linda strongly supports Project Coyote, championing their mission of promoting coexistence through education, science and advocacy. She believes collaboration is the key to reducing human-wildlife conflicts, and has established collaborative relationships with several wildlife organizations such as Urban Wildlife Specialists within Arizona Game & Fish and other community groups to spread the message of compassionate coexistence.
Linda writes for the community newspaper and speaks locally to raise an awareness of the ecological importance of coyotes and how we can live more peacefully with our wild neighbors. She also works tirelessly to expose and ban coyote/wildlife killing contests and related events in Arizona.
As wild spaces continue to shrink, wildlife such as coyotes are forced to live closer to people. PebbleCreek is no exception. Linda will speak about coyote behavior, the beneficial role coyote’s play in our urban ecosystems, common causes of negative encounters and how to avoid them. Tips and tools for co-existing will also be presented.
All PebbleCreek residents, whether club members or not, are invited to attend this very important and educational meeting. There is no charge.
Please address any questions to Jim or Marge Ellison at 623-935-6651.