Changes to LLL – Pay when you register or lose your place
Last year, when several trips and classes sold out shortly after registration opened, we found a big problem in the process; people signed up for events but did not pay, taking up a space that others wanted. Then, as the event neared, they would not attend – and by then many on the waiting list had already made other plans.
After much discussion, we found a solution: all online orders must be paid with a credit card or PayPal account within 24 hours of the time the order is placed. If it is not paid, the registration will be cancelled.
Those who want to pay by check will need to come to the LLL Center with their check to register and pay for an event. They will find the registration form has been simplified.
While we understand there are those who are still hesitant about using credit cards online, LifeLong Learning is following other PebbleCreek organizations that have taken this route, including the Wine Club. We also recognize there is some confusion about PayPal and so we urge you to take some time now to learn more about how it works.
LifeLong Learning uses PayPal as the gateway to online payments because, as a non-profit, we are charged a low transaction rate by PayPal. Once you are directed to PayPal, you may either pay using your bank account or card, according to what you established in your PayPal account or just enter your credit card information on that screen. If a recurring payment is needed then that can be set up.
In September, LifeLong Learning will hold limited office hours to assist anyone who is having problems registering for LifeLong Learning and creating a PayPal account. Watch your email and the PebbleCreek Post for information about dates and hours.
For more information about LifeLong Learning, see or email [email protected].
LLL offers classes for a wide range of interests
Residents can expect another season of classes in a wide array of topics to appeal to diverse interests. For example, already confirmed for 2018 are High Performance Driver Education and Digital Photo Books.
“Both of these classes are being taught by PebbleCreek resident teachers,” explained Mary Gangl, director of classes. “We’re fortunate to draw upon our community’s expertise.”
High Performance Driver Education, taught by resident Don Clinkenbeard, is designed for residents who own high performance and performance oriented vehicles, such as top end Lexus, Porsche, BMW’s and Corvette cars. Participants will gain an understanding of the basic information and knowledge to make an informed decision about what it takes to drive their vehicles on a track. Don has spent years instructing for the Porsche Club of America as well as other organizations. He recently sold his commercial track driving school but is still passionate about sharing his hobby with other performance car enthusiasts.
Bet Townly, an experienced teacher and Shutterfly expert, and Patt Karl-Luhmann, scrapbooker and creative photo book creator, will be team-teaching a two-session class on how to create a digital photo book using Shutterfly. Class participants will finish a 20 page, 8″ x 8″ photo book, complete with embellishments ready to print.
Bet said it’s important to pick one theme, such as travel, holidays, baby and family, or even a celebration such as a 50th wedding anniversary and collect the photos to support the theme.
“These books are personal,” Bet emphasized, adding, “Basic computer skills are necessary for this class.” Registered participants will upload their selected photographs to Shutterfly before the first session. Still have hard copies of photos lying around? You’ll need to scan and upload them prior to the first session. Students will learn how to insert, move and size the photographs. Text can be added as well as decorative embellishments to further enhance the theme.
Detailed information such as dates, times and cost for both classes and a complete list of available classes will be published in late September. Registration for all classes begins at 8:00 a.m. October 1 online at or at the LLL Center.

Colonel Mark W. Tillman (retired)
LLL Kicks off season October 14 with Air Force One Pilot
Remember where you were and what you were doing on September 11, 2001?
President George W. Bush was at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida reading The Pet Goat to second graders.
LifeLong Learning is kicking off its 2017 – 2018 season with a first-hand account of President Bush’s activities that day by Air Force One’s pilot of that day.
Speaking about his role that fateful day is Colonel (retired) Mark W. Tillman, chosen as the 12th Presidential pilot who served as pilot and commander of Air Force One from 2001 through 2009. He is coming to PebbleCreek to share his firsthand account of piloting the President on September 11, 2001. He protected the President that day by keeping him out of harm’s way and connecting the flying oval office to the nation’s first responders.
Tillman was flying from Florida to Washington D.C. when he learned that Air Force One was a target. He then flew to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, where the President made a speech, then to Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska and finally back to Washington D.C. 10 hours after the President learned of the attack.
Tillman was the first pilot to fly a President into a war zone. He will explain what it took to plan and strategize what he calls a Zero Fail Mission. A mission done in complete secrecy, in order to transport the Commander in Chief into the war zone in Bagdad, Iraq for Thanksgiving dinner with our troops.
Tickets for this lecture are sure to sell quickly, so please mark your calendar and plan to purchase your tickets October 1, when registration and sales for the season begin. Premier Lecture tickets are $15 per person (limit four tickets) and are sold online or in person at the LLL Center beginning October 1. More information about LifeLong Learning’s exciting Premier Lectures and other learning opportunities will be available in September at
TED Talks returning for 3rd season
TED Talks returns for its monthly series of sessions again in November with a slight change. Instead of meeting on the first Thursday of the month, this season we’ll be meeting on the second Thursday of the month from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Additionally, the registration method has changed slightly from previous years. Participants will need to register the month prior to the session they would like to attend. Why the modification? We realize many personal scheduling changes occur between when you register in October and the actual session months later. So, rather than registering for all sessions in October, we’ll have separate registration for each month.
Asked about the change, Shannon Tyree, TED Talk team leader, said “Residents of PebbleCreek are busy and things pop up. We get it. But we also don’t want to have empty seats.”
Potential participants are likely to have a better grasp of their schedules one month out. We’ll continue to use a wait list but anticipate fewer registration changes when participants have firmer schedules.
“The volunteers who plan TED Talks at PebbleCreek are always looking for ways to improve. We want to share TED with as many PebbleCreek residents in our community who would like to attend. I think this process change will improve our program,” said Shannon.
If you are not familiar with TED Talks and would like to know more, visit the TED Talk page under Special Events on LifeLong Learning’s webpage, There you will find a description of the sessions and links to the TED Talks viewed and discussed during the past two seasons.