Artists Connect Human, Natural Worlds
Bill Nee
Behold the universe through the eyes of a giant sequoia tree. In this month’s TED Talk, artist Ersin Han Ersin explores the invisible, but fundamental, links between the human and natural worlds. He shows the vast web of relationships that anchor an entire ecosystem.
Ersin takes viewers into a giant sequoia tree, peering through its bark into the tapestry of life within. The tour of his multisensory, mixed-reality installations, co-created by the art collective Marshmallow Laser Feast along with teams of scientists, programmers and structural engineers, shares how they explore the unique sensory world of different organisms.
The work is an effort to rethink the primordial relationship among plants, animals, and fungi and to dismantle the myth of human separation from the natural world. “We are as much trees as trees are us,” he says. The bond between humans and the wider family of life challenges people’s human-centric view of the world.
To view this 10-minute sensory experience go to, click “watch” in the header, then “TED Talks,” then in “search talks” input “What’s it like to be a giant sequoia tree?”, scroll a little lower, and click on the talk you selected.

Tim Pisarski, newly elected president of LifeLong Learning
Officers Approved for LLL’s 2024-25 Season
Tim Pisarski
On May 21, LifeLong Learning’s Board of Directors approved the membership’s election of its 2024-25 officers. The board would like to thank last season’s officers for all their hard work and leadership in helping the LifeLong Learning organization achieve its mission during the last year. The new officers are: President—Tim Pisarski, Vice President—Paul Polk, Director-at-Large—Doug Jameson, Secretary—Cathy Martell, Treasurer—Lindsay Laven, Director of Trips—Sue Roth, Director of Classes—Marianne Boechler, Director of Speaker Series—Paul Polk (acting leader), Director of Marketing and Communication—Gene Walther, Co-Director of Volunteers—Pam O’Shea, Co-Director of Volunteers—Jill Burnham, Director of Community Outreach—Jeff Young, and Director-at-Large Audiovisual—Phil Korzilius.
The new officers start July 1, which is the start of LifeLong Learning’s fiscal year.