Bob Paine (left) and Larry McVey (right), Volunteer of the Year 2021
Susan Knox Wilson
“Larry is a great steward of the community’s money,” said HOA Board member Bob Paine, as he announced that Larry McVey, Chairman of the PebbleCreek Investment Advisory Group, had been named the 2021 Volunteer of the Year. “We are lucky to have a resident who is so dedicated.”
The Volunteer of the Year is selected by the HOA Board, and the award is given to a community member whose service to the Board has been exceptional. The award was presented at the annual reception for HOA volunteers hosted by the HOA Board this past February.
The Investment Advisory Group (IAG) was formed in 2014 to advise the HOA Board on investment of community funds. The HOA accumulates funds for reserves and, in recent years, funds collected for community enhancement efforts. The community is bound by the CC&Rs to invest in a very narrow range of government insured products.
Larry earned an MBA in finance from the University of Chicago Booth Business School, has been a CPA and CFO for more than 40 years, and has chaired the IAG since it was formed. The IAG meets regularly to monitor all available investment instruments and advises the HOA Board to help them make the best decisions to wisely invest PebbleCreek funds. The IAG members stay abreast of interest rate changes, available products, and trends in the market. Larry works closely with the Board to make sure investments are executed and that HOA money continues to work for the community.
“Larry’s commitment and contribution have truly been immeasurable, and the community owes Larry a deep debt of gratitude,” concluded Bob. The other current members of the PebbleCreek IAG are Jerry Briner, Dave Deal, Joe Lacaeyse, and Jim Vigars.