PCL9GA Officers—-Loreen Greer, treasurer; Patty Greene, president; Barbara Hockert, president-elect; Melissa D’Onofrio, secretary
Pat Kaer
The officers of the PebbleCreek Lady Nine-Hole Golf Association and many other volunteers are busy planning a fun year for the Lady Niners.
September began the season with a joint golf day where Sun City Grand golfers were invited to Eagle’s Nest on September 26. October will feature two away play days-—Verrado on October 3 and Falcon Dunes on October 10.
There are four major tournaments being planned by the tournament committee. The season Kick-Off Tournament will be held November 14. January 16 is the annual Charity Tournament. The Invitational Tournament, where other nine-hole leagues in the area are invited to PebbleCreek, will be held on February 13. The Member-Member Tournament will be on March 13 and 14.
The social committee also has four events planned. December 7 is scheduled for the Holiday Luncheon. Two Par-Tee Tournaments are on the calendar. In a Par-Tee Tournament, PebbleCreek Lady Niners are encouraged to invite a guest to golf and dinner on a Sunday afternoon. The first is on January 28 and the second on April 22. The Spring Fling on March 27 will feature the announcement of the club champion and most improved player. The season will end with the installation of new officers on April 24.
The officers for this year are President Patty Greene, President-Elect Barbara Hockert, Treasurer Lorene Greer and Secretary Melissa D’Onofrio.
If you would like to join the PebbleCreek Lady Nine-Hole Golf Association, PCLN new member applications are available at the Eagle’s Nest Pro Shop or on the website PCL9GA.org.