Tuscany Falls East Front Nine first place team: Sandy Padgitt, Betty Klattenhoff, Mary Lynne Carson, Linda Weatbrook.

Tuscany Falls West Back Nine first place team: Sharon McPhearson, Cherri Baxter, Deb Webster, Pam Grimwood.

Tuscany Falls East Back Nine first place team: Maureen Richardson, Marlene Stevens, Missy Whitehead, Vicki Wolfe.

“Rhinestone Cowgirls” co-chairpersons Adrianne Beck and Pat West.
Pat Kaer, Publicity Co-Chair
“Rhinestone Cowgirls” was the theme of this year’s PCL9GA Invitational Golf Tournament held on February 12. Golfers from PebbleCreek and other clubs from around the valley played on Tuscany Falls East and the back nine of Tuscany Falls West. This event, planned by co-chairpersons Pat West and Adrianne Beck, included lunch, nine holes of golf, dessert and prizes. Many local businesses generously donated money or services to help make the event successful. The Tuscany Falls Chianti Room was a festive display of raffle items and line dancing lessons. Special raffle tickets could be purchased for a chance to win $500 “Cowgirl Cash.” The guests came from Cottonwood, PebbleCreek, Peoria Pines, Sun City Grand, Sun City Festival, Pinewood, Corte Bella and Ironwood. With a total of 105 guests and 111 PebbleCreek Lady Niners, there were 216 participants in the tournament.
First place team on the Tuscany Falls East Front Nine: Sandy Padgitt, Betty Klattenhoff, Mary Lynne Carson, Linda Weatbrook.
First place team on the Tuscany Falls East Back Nine: Maureen Richardson, Marlene Stevens, Missy Whitehead, Vicki Wolfe.
First place team on Tuscany Falls West Back Nine: Sharon McPhearson, Cherri Baxter, Deb Webster, Pam Grimwood.