Lorene Greer, president; Meg Chrisman, treasurer; Kris Hanlon, secretary; and Betty Johnson, president elect
Pat Jensen
The month of June brings a new leadership team to the league. They are excited and ready to continue providing fun and challenging weekly games. The group grew by 98 new members this past year, so our total number of members is almost 400.
It takes many volunteers to manage the weekly tasks. Here is a list of our current board, but there are many more ladies who also contribute their talents: Lorene Greer—President, Betty Johnson—President Elect, Meg Chrisman—Treasurer, Kris Hanlon—Secretary, Renee Chester—Communications, Norma Guillaume—Communications, Alberta Hohn—Handicaps, Genny Barclay—Handicaps, Lynn Bishop-Pidcock—Weekly Pairings, Linda Brisnehan—Rules, Lori Doughtery—New Members, Toni Steward—New Members, Ruth Ann Mitchell—Weekly Pairings, Marcey Arbelbide—Tournament Pairings, Bonnie Bruce—Tournament Pairings, Pat West—Rules, Pat Jensen—Publicity, Sheryl Dobbin—Social, Suzanne Butler—Social, Marilyn Matthews—Tournaments, Barb Hockert—Webmaster, Karin Andrews—Webmaster, Cherri Baxter—Tournaments.