Kevens Corner

Happy Holidays!

Plant Holiday Color

Poinsettias are great color for the holidays. They are a little frost tender, but with a lightweight cover on cold nights they usually do fine outside. Plant them in their original containers in your pots so it is easier to remove them after they have lost their appeal. But remember, they can be toxic to pets as can other yuletide favorites including lilies, holly and mistletoe, so make sure they are well out of reach if your pets tend to nibble on plants.

Protect Your Plants

Frost will come, I promise. Low desert frost is not usually hard so plants can be protected with sheets. Stock up now because if you wait until freeze warnings are announced you’ll have a hard time finding them at a good price. You can buy frost fabrics and burlap at most garden stores and they work great as do inexpensive bed sheets. Just don’t use plastic, which will trap condensation inside and can freeze, damaging the plant. Plastic can also get very cold and transfer that cold to the plant.

Harvest Your Citrus

Soon you’ll be harvesting your citrus so now is the time to prune dead limbs. I use hand pruners and literally get inside the canopy of the tree. Although this is not necessary, it makes for easier picking when you reach inside of the tree.

Plant Roses

Bare root roses will start showing up at local nurseries this month. Pick them with at least three to five green plump canes, avoiding spindly canes or bushes that are leafing out. Keep roots moist until they are planted and plant in full sun with afternoon shade.

Questions or Comments?

Send me an email at: [email protected].

Enjoy the holidays with your family and friends!