Tracey Schryver
Did you know that Kare Bears Health and Wellness partners with outside sources to enhance the lives of those of us living in PebbleCreek? Last month, they partnered with Albertson’s Pharmacy to kickstart the beginning of flu season. In just two days during the first week of October, the Albertson’s team administered more than 300 vaccines to our residents. A few weeks later, the team returned to PebbleCreek and again administered hundreds of vaccines. Many thanks to the Albertson’s team and to all of the residents who participated.
Last month Kare Bears Health and Wellness also worked with the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Franklin Pierce University. On Oct. 13, the physical therapists arrived in PebbleCreek and brought us the first free physical therapy program. The team evaluated residents, identified flexibility, and determined strength and balance issues. Afterwards, they were able to make recommendations to help keep our residents healthy and active. Again, many thanks to all who participated and helped to better the lives of the people living in our beautiful community.