Kare Bears annual meeting
Teri Sellers
The annual meeting for Kare Bears will be held at the June Kare Bears Presents on June 27 at 11:00 a.m. The meeting will be held in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom.
Every resident of PebbleCreek is automatically a Kare Bear member and we invite you to attend this meeting. Our annual report will be made available as well as the presentation of candidates for the upcoming Kare Bear Board of Directors. Your vote for the new board is important.
Board members being presented for approval are president Joyce Van Ornam, first vice president Debbie Barbe, second vice president Susan Fallon, communications chair Betsy Porter, secretary Julie Schilling and treasurer Judy Ashley.
Immediately following the meeting, the June presentation will begin. The meeting, while short, is important and we look forward to seeing you there.
Kare Bears invite Dr. Soloman for pain management seminar
Linda Jo Orinski
Join us June 27 at the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom, from 11:00 a.m.-noon for an important topic that we all seem to need knowledge about at some point or another in our life’s journey!
What is Pain Management?
As the field of medicine learns more about the complexities of pain, it has become more important to have physicians with specialized knowledge and skills to treat these conditions. An in-depth knowledge of the physiology of pain, the ability to evaluate patients with complicated pain problems, understanding of specialized tests for diagnosing painful conditions, appropriate prescribing of medications to varying pain problems and skills to perform procedures (such as nerve blocks, spinal injections and other interventional techniques) are all part of what a pain management specialist uses to treat pain. In addition, the broad variety of treatments available to treat pain is growing rapidly and with increasing complexity. With an increasing number of new and complex drugs, techniques and technologies becoming available every year for the treatment of pain, the pain management physician is uniquely trained to use this new knowledge safely and effectively to help his or her patients. Finally, the pain management specialist plays an important role in coordinating additional care such as physical therapy, psychological therapy and rehabilitation programs in order to offer patients a comprehensive treatment plan with a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of their pain.
Dr Solomon will talk about the following highlighted topics:
1. General overview of chronic pain management as a specialty
2. Chronic narcotic crisis in the USA and chronic narcotic therapy
3. Interventional treatment for spine pain, neuropathic pain and osteoarthritis
4. What the latest is in the world of pain management
Dr Soloman’s education and training include but is not limited to The Cleveland Clinic Comprehensive Pain Management fellowship, internship and residency in Anesthesiology. Attendance and refreshments are free!