Just Folks Christmas Party

Carolyn Suttles

Just Folks held their Christmas Party on Dec. 3 at the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. It was a festive evening of dinner and dancing with an added twist. Hostess Bonita Sims officiated a “Family Feud” game with an official board, buzzers, X’s, most popular answers, and steals. What’s your answer to: Name a slang term wives call their husbands? Top five answers: Honey, Old Man, Hubby, Ball and Chain, and Dummy. Winners won a custom-made sweet treat, which was a replica of the Family Feud scoreboard.

Keeping in the spirit of the holidays, Santa showed up and compiled his list of the guest wishes. He had his work cut out for him to deliver cars, money, and vacation homes.

Just folks would like to thank everyone who attended and participated in the raffles. All proceeds went to benefit Agua Fria Food Bank.