January Genealogy Club News

Denise Beeson and Patti Wehrs

Join us for the new year on Monday, Jan. 8 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Eagle’s Nest Palm Room.

“I really believe it is important to hear what our elders share with us while they are alive and honor the stories of their life and of those who were before them. If you do not keep it alive, your family history becomes lost in a short period of time. It truly is the obligation of the next generation to pass it on and keep it alive for those that follow, otherwise it becomes lost forever.”—Ganel Fenenga

The correct spelling is genealogy, with the root of the word coming from the Greek word genea, meaning generation, family, or race. And the ending does indeed mean “the study of,” it just doesn’t have the connecting “o” before “-logy.”

Come seek, study, and share and learn about your roots with friends, family, and friendly folks.

Our Mission: Educate and support the members of the PebbleCreek genealogy community in genealogical research, including computer databases, offline records, and source documentation.

What did you miss? In December, speaker Neil Redman of E&J Auction House discussed appraisal for antiques that we may have in our closets. Members shared their prized possessions with the group over coffee and continental breakfast.

Thank you to our 2023 leadership team. Your contribution is recognized and greatly appreciated: Marsha Wallick, Judy Husk, Jayne Parise, Kathy and John Koch, Erik Riswick, Barb Downey, Jackie Jenkins, Larry Johanson. Our new board in 2024: Jayne Parise, Marsha Wallick, Denise Beeson, Judy Husk, Sharon Esher, and Jolene Beard.

Our next meeting is on Jan. 8, 9 a.m. to noon. Speaker Marilyn Simleness will discuss Researching Using Vital Records from 10 to 11 a.m. After the speaker will be the business meeting and special interest groups discussions. Bring your laptop, tablet, family tree, etc. if you need assistance.