Italian American Club Rock ‘n’ Roll and Wii Bowling Night Was a Hit

Beverly Buck

On Aug. 8, 30 members of the PebbleCreek Italian American Club gathered in the Chianti Room for the annual Rock ‘n‘ Roll Wii Bowling Night. There was no shortage of poodle skirts and vintage bowling shirts. Teams competed for the top spot with the first place team, Rockin’ Daddys, coming in with the highest score. Catherine Sirota won highest women’s score, and her hubby Gary Sirota won highest men’s score. The Chianti Room was transformed into a 50s bowling alley/diner, complete with snacks on the tables, 50s rock ‘n’ roll tunes in the background, and the sounds of falling pins and cheering teams rebounding off the walls.

As attendees waited for the BBQ dinner buffet they participated in a fun game of Bowling Trivia. Did you know the term for six consecutive strikes is called a “Wild Turkey”? There may not have been many “Wild Turkey” scores, but everyone certainly had a “wild” time. A big thank you to Ellie Kovach and Carolyn Minichiello, co-chairs, for such a fun time.