Two guests with the wine stewards
Kathleen Ripley Leo
PebbleCreek Italian American Club meetings begin with the reciting of the pledge of allegiance, yet the pledge at our Sept. 11 meeting was even more solemn, in front of a lowered flag in honor of the over 3,000 individuals who perished in the terrorist attack at three locations in our country on Sept. 11, 2001. Vice President Bob Marchese, with the support of Webmaster David Carnevale, gave a heartfelt presentation spotlighting the destruction and the memorial in New York City, and we all had a moment of silent reflection and personal prayer for the victims. They will not be forgotten.
President Ken Minichiello led our meeting and we were off to a social time replete with 50/50 tickets sales by members Ken Russo and Vic Leo. Proceeds were donated to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum.
Our treat table burgeoned with mouthwatering desserts led by chairs Mary Ann Fusco and Susan Sands who mobilized their committee to a grand display. Red and white wine, with grateful appreciation to realtor Donna Strand, was poured by wine stewards Tom Buck and Bill Frustaglia, with coffees and teas rounding up the offerings. A trivia game of ‘Presidents and Patriots’ organized by Social Director Shelly Carnevale, Webmaster David Carnevale, and Vice President Bob Marchese had the membership singing along with the likes of Kate Smith and Bruce Springsteen in hearty renditions of “God Bless America” and “Born in the USA.” A wonderful time was had by all.
At our meetings, we’re all one big happy family enjoying programs, food, and camaraderie. Ciao!