Dale Wolfe, Peggy Lemmo, Frank Lemmo, and Shoray Wolfe
Kathleen Ripley Leo
The Pledge of Allegiance began the PebbleCreek Italian American Club’s November’s meeting. It ended with a ceremonial salute to veterans that included a video of Lee Greenwood’s newest recording of “God Bless the USA,” which he recorded with music and voice courtesy of deployed military members. Following was Toby Keith’s beautiful video “American Soldier.” A heartbreaking rendition of Taps closed out the meeting, but in between, Vice President Bob Marchese introduced a professional DJ whose game of DJ bingo with songs from the ’50s through the ’80s brought out the songsters in all as members sang along. Wine flowed thanks to a generous donation from Donna Strand. Scrumptious Italian desserts were provided to all thanks to Sherrie Caputi, Diane Russo, Kay Skripka, Sylvana Smidt, Sonia Sears, Shoray Wolfe, and Peggy Lemmo. Mary Ann Fusco’s and Susan Sands’ food and treat committee outdid themselves. Thank you to our veterans.