David and Shelly Carnevale

Kathy Mitchell, pianist, and Lisa Lombardy, soprano
Melissa D’Onofrio
The PebbleCreek Italian American Club (PCIAC) kicked off a new, exciting event this year: the Carnival of Venice Gala. More than 100 members and guests celebrated this event with amazing masks, stunning costumes, delicious food, cocktails, and merriment.
After cocktails, guests were welcomed into the Tuscany Falls Ballroom, which had been transformed into the Villa Pisani (the Queen of the Villas of the Pisani Family). The Villa Pisani is a famous Venice landmark, originally owned and lived in by the rich and powerful Pisani family centuries ago. The table centerpieces featured beautifully decorated dual masks, each unique unto itself. The walls of the ballroom were covered with large displays of palace interiors and grand staircases. An excerpt from the Phantom of the Opera film, “Masquerade” played as guests entered and were seated to begin enjoying a sumptuous meal.
During the evening, videos showing highlights of the Venice celebration captivated viewers.
From the opening “Flight of the Angel” through the elaborate costumes and the Grand Canal festivities, the videos showed attendees beautiful scenes of a celebration unique to the world: Il Carnevale di Venezia (The Carnival of Venice).
Gala guests were also privileged to hear two beautiful opera arias performed by the club’s own Lisa Lombardy, soprano, accompanied by Kathy Mitchell, pianist, who was our guest for the evening. Brava, ladies! Thank you for helping to make the evening even more enjoyable.
Many, many thanks to the PCIAC Gala committee members: Shelly and David Carnevale, Pat and Ken Hacker, Judy Freidman and Sy Rosenthal, Kay Skripka, and Bob Marchese. The Gala was brought to a close with a dramatic fireworks video. The magic of the Carnevale celebration ended with a bang, but the memories of a wonderful evening will live on for years to come.