Co-chairs Anne Engels and Barbara Risden are seen with Father Christmas John Harguindeguy at the IAC Christmas party.
John Flynn
The PebbleCreek Irish-American Club added twenty new members this year. Many of them joined over one hundred others for the annual Christmas party at the Chianti Room hosted by Anne Engels, Barbara Risden and Virginia Thompson. The evening included a delicious served dinner with DJ Pat McCrossan providing Irish music during dinner and dance music afterwards. The music, decorations and friendship made it a festive event.
Another December highlight was the benefit dinner hosted by Maureen and John Pugsley. John, who is IAC president, welcomed forty members who enjoyed the balmy weather around the patio heaters, a great dinner, Christmas caroling and a gift exchange. Proceeds from the evening went to the Agua Fria Food Bank. Club Treasurer Tim Coogan reports the club has donated over $11,000 to local charities in the past five years. The January benefit dinner will be at the home of Pat and Jim Peaper.
Coming up this spring are more activities including a group lunch at an Irish pub, a day at the races, benefit dinners and a bus trip to the Dutton Family Theater in Mesa. The annual golf tournament and Emerald Ball in March are open to all PCers. More details later.
The Irish-American Club welcomes all Creekers, Irish or not, to join us for fellowship, fun and philanthropy. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month in the Palm Room. Some months, such as January, there is no meeting, but we still have the Afters, a social gathering at a member’s home. In January Nancy and Gus Gustafson will host the Afters. Contact Judi Rizzetto, club secretary, at 536-1960 for membership information. We are in our eighth year at PebbleCreek and growing steadily.